Lower Back Pain - Foot Weakness

When foot and ankle weakness accompanies lower back pain, a neurosurgical opinion must be promptly sought for.

The muscles responsible for picking up the foot and ankle are the muscles in the front of the leg. These muscles are supplied by the peroneal nerve and the main nerve root in these muscles is the L5 nerve root. Therefore in injuries to the L5 nerve root, these muscles will be weak such that there may be a foot or toe drag due to weakness or a complete foot drop.

\"Pain Foot\"

To compound this problem further, many people cross their knees while sitting or from prolonged lying on the side putting pressure on the peroneal nerve. In such situations, there will be a double crush on the peroneal nerve which is a combination of injury at the L5 nerve root level as well as the peroneal nerve level. This will impede the recovery of the nerve such that the foot drop may be permanent with poor chance for recovery of the foot drop.

Lower Back Pain - Foot Weakness

If the condition is due to a herniated disc, a neurosurgical evaluation is essential. If the condition is decided to be treated conservatively, this type of patient should receive eToims Twitch Relief Method within 24 hours after the onset of nerve injury to have a good chance of complete recovery provided the nerve problem is that of weakness secondary to lack of blood supply to the nerve. The exercise effect of the twitches from stimulating the motor point will remove the tourniquet effect of the muscles in spasm that may be placing a vicelike effect on the intramuscular nerves. In addition, the muscular movements due to the twitches will also increase the blood supply to the muscles. Once blood supply is restored to the nerve the progression to more permanent nerve damage can be prevented.

There is an urgency for treatments to begin within 24 hours using eToims Twitch Relief Method in this situation since watchful waiting for spontaneous recovery is not an option. Nerve fibers that are transiently weak from a tourniquet paralysis effect can be prevented from progression into permanent nerve damage. eToims Twitch Relief Method with its twitch contractions and stretch effects can increase blood supply to the areas with reversible nerve damage effecting a cure. Those nerve fibers that are already damaged irreversibly can be facilitated to have recovery with ongoing eToims treatments.

The muscles that need treatment start from the spinal muscles and muscles of the entire lower limb needs to be included. The most important muscles are the buttock muscles (gluteus maximus), muscles at the side of the hip muscle (gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata), muscles in the inner thigh (especially adductor magnus), muscles in the back of the thigh (hamstrings), muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps, especially rectus femoris), calf muscles (gastrosoleus), muscles in the front and sides of the leg and the foot muscles.

Lower Back Pain - Foot Weakness

Jennifer Chu, M.D. emeritus professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, pioneered eToims Twitch Relief Method that utilizes surface electrical stimulation to locate motor points (trigger points). The motor points are then stimulated to induce strong local muscle contractions, termed twitches. This results in reduced muscle pain and discomfort in the areas that were stimulated. The involved pain/discomfort-relieving mechanism is thought to include local muscle exercise and stretch effects.

eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® specializes in diagnosis and treatment which ends muscle discomfort and pain.


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